- 80s Puppy - Vintage French Porcelain Plate - #0759 €120.00
- Queen of the Apes - Vintage Porcelain Plate - #0604 €120.00
- Lion Queen - Vintage French Porcelain Plate - #0604 €120.00
- Tigresa - La Seynie Limoges - More than 100 Years Antique #0526 - French porcelain plate €120.00
- Es Miranda! - Vintage Spanish fine Chine Plate #0694 €120.00
- The King of Wookiees - Vintage French Porcelain Plate - #0791 €120.00
- Lord Greedo - Vintage French porcelain Plate - #0485 €120.00 Sold Out
- Lord Wolf - Vintage French Porcelain Plate - Limoges #0611 €120.00
- Lord Vader - Vintage Bohemian Porcelain Plate - Limoges - #0758 €120.00
- Gypsy E.T. - Vintage Spanish Porcelain Plate - #0729 €120.00
- Rubricapula - Little Red Riding Hood Porcelain plate - #0381 €120.00
- Blue Hawaii - Vintage Porcelain Plate - #0709 €120.00